not stocks.

We're not just buying stocks, we're buying pieces of companies we believe in.

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Invest for the long-term, not for sport.

We have a fundamental belief that if you invest in highly performing companies with tremendous free cash flow and low amounts of debt, you can let the investment generate years and years of compound interest. Leave the gambling at the casino.


A good investor is a good investigator.

We live for the investigative research required to understand what makes a company worthy of investment. We only invest in companies that we understand inside and out. If we can't uncover what makes a company outstanding, we don't invest.


We're investors, not speculators.

A true investor puts money in the market with purpose and a big-picture strategy. We take an extremely diligent and calculated approach to each step of the investment process so that we have a safeguard against unnecessary risk for the long-term.


Don't swing at every pitch.

Just because an opportunity surfaces doesn't make it a good one. Keeping a level head at all times and remaining steadfast is paramount to our long-term approach. He who has patience can have what he will. You are in control, knowing you can choose when to swing.


People often fear what they don't understand.

The market goes up, the market goes down. Those who invest for sport or try to get in and out to make a quick buck may live with chronic dizziness from watching the market rise and fall by the hour. But those who truly understand what they’ve invested in can sleep soundly knowing they're holding an asset that will yield significant compound interest in the long-term.


The bottom line

After all of the investigation, research, and number crunching is said and done, the bottom line comes down to one simple question: Is this company worthy of money out of your family's pocket? If it isn't, we don't invest in them.

Investment Principles:

We are not activist investors.

We invest in companies because we believe in them; we don't buy in hoping to change some aspect of its management, operations, or governance to unlock value.

Debt is only necessary if it is truly necessary

Avoiding companies saddled with debt, especially during a bull market, is a key factor when it comes to mitigating risk in our long-term equity positions. This helps us to avoid liquidity issues when the economic tide goes out.

Our Process

Catch a glimpse of our process from a 10k-foot view to see how our philosophy impacts our decision making. 

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